Notiviajeros: Skylodge Adventure Suites en el Valle Sagrado de los Incas

Artículo publicado en Natura Vive, Skylodge Adventure Suites, Cusco – Perú, es el único hotel en el mundo donde usted podrá dormir en un refugio colgante completamente transparente, permitiéndole apreciar la impactante vista sobre este mágico valle y sus noches adornadas por la vía láctea.

Cada uno de los módulos de Vivienda Vertical cuenta con 4 camas, un comedor y un baño privado; fabricados en aluminio aero-espacial y policarbonato de alta resistencia. La dimensión de cada módulo es de 7,5 mt. de largo x 2,60 mt. de alto y ancho.

Conoce más sobre el Skylodge Adventure Suites en

If you’re not bothered by heights, stay in these lodges hanging off the side of mountains in Peru

Metro: Which emotion is stronger: an overwhelming fear of heights or an overwhelming need to get great pics for the ‘gram?

If you choose the latter, you might want to book a stay in one of these snazzy lodged in Peru’s Sacred Valley of Cusco.

Suspended 1,200ft off the ground, luxurious lodge capsules hang off the side of the side of mountains, giving incredible views out across the valley.

The Skylodge adventure suites can fit up to eight people, and each cabin has four beds, a dining area, and a private bathroom.

Oh, and the entire lodge has walls of windows, so you can always enjoy the view.

The only slightly offputting bit of booking a stay (other than the horror of being up that high) is that you do have to make a bit of a trek to get to your room.

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You can sleep in these pods attached to the side of a cliff

Cosmopolitan: If you’re looking for a real adventure for your next holiday, you may want to consider booking up one of these epic cliff-side pod rooms.

Because just booking a standard hotel room in a standard building in a standard city is pretty, well, standard these days – and does nothing for your Instagram grid, may we add – hotels and private lets are trying to get more and more interesting to bag your business.

And what could be more exciting than spending the night suspended over a 1,200ft drop, waking up to unrivalled and unspoiled views of the cliff-side scenery?

Skylodge Adventure Suites in Peru offer just that, with their glass pod accommodation which can only be reached after a mountain trek. Now that’s remote.

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Jaw-dropping glass pod Airbnb hangs off a CLIFF – you’ll have to be very brave to stay

The Daily Star: Skylodge’s Adventure Suites are some of the most-viewed locations on Airbnb because of the unusual rooms they offer.

The Peruvian dwelling boasts one of the best views on Airbnb – but you’d have to be a daredevil to stay there.

Each glass pod is suspended from a cliff, allowing you an incredible look down into the natural valley. Read more