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SKYLODGE ADVENTURE SUITES – Via Ferrata Climbing & Zipline, by Natura Vive
Perched high above the Sacred Valley of Cusco in Peru, you will find Skylodge: three totally transparent capsule suites and a dining room/kitchen suspended 400m above the valley floor. Getting to your bed has never been such an adventure. After a 1.5 hour climb straight up the mountain, you will enjoy a gourmet dinner in a circular, glass dining room pod and then enjoy a good night’s sleep under the stars in your sleeping capsule (complete with its own private bathroom). The next morning, climb back to the dinning room and enjoy a delicious breakfast with a view before zip-lining back down the mountain.
Ă uma pessoa aventureira? Este hotel de milhares de estrelas Ă© para si
Pode mesmo acreditar nas imagens que vai ver. Para dormir nestes quartos suspensos tem de viajar atĂ© Cusco, PerĂș, e subir uma montanha. Depois disso, sĂł tem de desfrutar da paisagem e adormecer a olhar para o cĂ©u estrrelado.
O projeto chama-se âSkylodge Adventures Suitesâ e tem como objetivo proporcionar alojamento aos mais aventureiros. Possui cĂĄpsulas fabricadas em alumĂnio aeroespacial e policarbonato de alta resistĂȘncia, que estĂŁo suspensas a quatrocentos metros de altura.
Esse sonho que tem desde a infĂąncia, de poder adormecer num quarto totalmente transparente enquanto apreciava as estrelas, jĂĄ consegue tornĂĄ-lo realidade.
Vai poder adormecer enquanto se perde na vista para o Vale Sagrado dos Incas e possivelmente ter um condor como vizinho. Também não precisa de se preocupar com o local para as necessidades fisiológicas pois cada módulo tem uma casa de banho privativa, onde se quiser pode aproveitar a paisagem ou utilizar as cortinas.
Cinco de los hospedajes mĂĄs alucinantes que encontrarĂĄs en el PerĂș
Entre las montañas, sobre ĂĄrboles o en trenes de lujo. Estos hospedajes de la costa, sierra y selva del PerĂș ofrecen una experiencia Ășnica a los huĂ©spedes
Skylodge Adventures Suites. Este hospedaje ofrece una experiencia ideal para los turistas amantes de la aventura. Las habitaciones de paredes transparentes estĂĄn suspendidas a 400 metros de altura, en el Valle Sagrado de Cusco.(Foto: Skylodge Adventures Suites)
Top 10 Adventure Lodges Around the World: Skylodge Adventure Suites
Don a climbing harness for the trip to this high mountain resort, where guests sleep in transparent pods attached to the edge of a high cliff above the Peruvian landscape.
The only way to the Skylodge Adventure Suites is a combination of zip lines and hiking trails, or by climbing a 1,312-foot via ferrata, a series of metal rungs and cables fixed directly to the rock.
Once youâve arrived, though, your cliffside nest is perfect for relaxing with a glass of Peruvian wine and watching for Andean condors, native vultures whose wingspans reach 10 feet.
Each pod commands breathtaking (and vertigo-inducing) views of the Sacred Valley, a high-elevation Andean landscape of mountain peaks home to thriving indigenous communities, accessible archeological sites, and preserved colonial-era towns.
Skylodge Adventure Suites in Peru isn’t for those scared of heights. Challenge yourself and embrace the amazing views of the Sacred Valley.
6 Incredible Hotels for your Adventure Honeymoon
Natura Vive Skylodge Adventure Suites â Peru
This thrilling hotel is definitely not for those with a fear of heights. After climbing 400 metres up Peru’s Via Ferrata you’ll be rewarded with a comfortable suite suspended on the dramatic cliffside and, of course, picture-perfect views.
What these vertically-hanging transparent capsule suites lack in space they make up for with panoramic views of the Sacred Valley of Cuzco. Handcrafted from aerospace aluminium and weather-resistant polycarbonate, each suite also features four beds, a dining area and a private bathroom. Complete with breakfast and wine-accompanied gourmet platter, a stay at Natura Vive’s Skylodge Adventures Suites is an experience hardcore hikers will love.
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