Hotel suspenso do Peru tem acesso apenas com escaladas e tirolesa

Quem já andou por terras peruanas sabe que aquela gente de passado andino tem uma certa intimidade (e gosto) pela altura.

Recortado por vales, rios e as cordilheiras dos Andes, esse país de mais 1,2 milhão de km² é endereço para amantes de trilhas e de atividades a algumas centenas de metros sobre terra firme.

E esse hotel do Vale Sagrado, próximo a Ollantaytambo, decidiu reunir tudo isso em uma única experiência.

Considerado o primeiro do gênero, em todo o mundo, o Skylodge Adventure Suites conta com três cápsulas flutuantes e transparentes, em que os hóspedes passam a noite pendurados sobre o famoso vale dos antigos incas, localizado próximo a Cuzco.

Ler mais: Viagem em pauta

These Hotel Rooms Are Hanging Off The Side Of A Mountain


Adventure tourism company Natura Vive, have created the Skylodge Adventure Suites, a group of three hanging transparent suites on the side of a mountain in the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, Peru.

Getting to your room is a bit of a challenge. You have two choices, either climb up the side of the mountain or hike a trail with ziplines.

Read more: a community that celebrates contemporary culture, focused on architecture, design, art and travel.

These Hotel Rooms Are Hanging Off The Side Of A Mountain


Adventure tourism company Natura Vive, have created the Skylodge Adventure Suites, a group of three hanging transparent suites on the side of a mountain in the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, Peru.

Getting to your room is a bit of a challenge. You have two choices, either climb up the side of the mountain or hike a trail with ziplines.

Read more: a community that celebrates contemporary culture, focused on architecture, design, art and travel.

These Hotel Rooms Are Hanging Off The Side Of A Mountain


Adventure tourism company Natura Vive, have created the Skylodge Adventure Suites, a group of three hanging transparent suites on the side of a mountain in the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, Peru.

Getting to your room is a bit of a challenge. You have two choices, either climb up the side of the mountain or hike a trail with ziplines.

Read more: a community that celebrates contemporary culture, focused on architecture, design, art and travel.

These Hotel Rooms Are Hanging Off The Side Of A Mountain


Adventure tourism company Natura Vive, have created the Skylodge Adventure Suites, a group of three hanging transparent suites on the side of a mountain in the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, Peru.

Getting to your room is a bit of a challenge. You have two choices, either climb up the side of the mountain or hike a trail with ziplines.

Read more: a community that celebrates contemporary culture, focused on architecture, design, art and travel.

These Hotel Rooms Are Hanging Off The Side Of A Mountain


Adventure tourism company Natura Vive, have created the Skylodge Adventure Suites, a group of three hanging transparent suites on the side of a mountain in the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, Peru.

Getting to your room is a bit of a challenge. You have two choices, either climb up the side of the mountain or hike a trail with ziplines.

Read more: a community that celebrates contemporary culture, focused on architecture, design, art and travel.