Die Skylodge Suites sind nichts für Zartbesaitete!

Wer schwache Nerven hat, sollte sich lieber zweimal überlegen, ob er sich hier hoch traut, denn die Sky lodge Suites hängen in schwindelerregender Höhe an einer steilen Felswand mitten in den pe ruanischen Anden. Schon der Weg vom Check- In zum gebuchten Zimmer ist ein Aben teu er: Nur mithilfe von in den Fels gehauenen Ei senspros sen und gespannten Draht sei len ge lingt der beschwerliche Aufstieg. In 400 Metern Hö he erwarten einen schließlich drei transparente Kapseln, die sich Vogelnestern gleich an den Fels klammern und Wind und Wet ter trotzen. Belohnt wird man mit einer giganti schen Aussicht über das „Heilige Tal“ der Incas – von einem romantischen nächt li chen Spa ziergang von der Hotelbar zur Suite sollte man allerdings absehen!


These Hotel Rooms Are Hanging Off The Side Of A Mountain


Adventure tourism company Natura Vive, have created the Skylodge Adventure Suites, a group of three hanging transparent suites on the side of a mountain in the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, Peru.

Getting to your room is a bit of a challenge. You have two choices, either climb up the side of the mountain or hike a trail with ziplines.

Read more: Contemporist.com a community that celebrates contemporary culture, focused on architecture, design, art and travel.

The Guardian: sleep amid the Andes, Sacred Valley, Peru

Sometimes it’s not enough to just appreciate the view. To fully experience the beauty, you want to live, breathe and sleep in it. Which is why tour company Natura Vive put three transparent pods 400m up in the Peruvian Andes. The pods overlook the Sacred Valley of the Incas, near Cusco, and to reach them guests have to hike a challenging trail with the help of ziplines. Once in situ, the rewards (besides the views) are four beds, a dining area and bathroom. Yours for £210 a night.


Transparent pods 400m up in the Peruvian Andes.
Photograph: Kusi Seminario

UK Dailymail: The most terrifying hotel in the world?

The most terrifying hotel in the world? Welcome to the Skylodge – three transparent pods clinging to the side of a 400ft cliff in Peru (and you have to scale a sheer rock face to reach them)

The Natura Vive Skylodge is made up of three clear capsules hanging from a cliff in Peru’s Sacred Valley. Fearless travellers can spend the night dangling precariously, 400-feet over the heartland of the Inca Empire. To get there, you must first climb a cliff face, and in the morning, a zip wire takes you back down again

By Emily Payne for MailOnline

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