BBC: El hotel en Perú donde puedes dormir colgando de un precipicio

En la ladera de un precipicio con vistas al Valle Sagrado en Perú, cerca de la ciudad de Cuzco, hay un hotel muy peculiar.

Las habitaciones son en realidad tres cáspsulas encalladas en la montaña donde los visitantes pueden pernoctar y disfrutar de las vistas increíbles de esta región de los Andes peruanos.

Cada cápsula cuenta con un baño privado y cuatro camas.

¿Te atreverías a pasar una noche allí?

5 Crazy Camping Alternatives You Didn’t Know You Could Try: Cliff Camping in Peru

Sacred Valley is pegged as one of the best hikes in the world and the area is quickly gaining notoriety for its cliffside escapes too. Whimsically billed as the only «million-star hotel» the glass pods at Skylodge Adventure Suites are suspended 400 feet above ground, giving overnight guests amazing views of the Andes cliffs and the riverbed below. The pods run about $1,000 a night and are large enough to fit up to four beds, a dining area and a semi-private bathroom (you are in a glass pod after all).

Skylodge adventure suits: A million stars hotel. #naturavive #thisisadventure #skylodge #cusco #adventure #viaferrata #zipline @quedebonheur

Una foto publicada por Natura Vive Skylodge Adventure (@naturavive) el

9 Incredible Places to Spend the Night: Natura Vive Skylodge Peru

Leave your acrophobia at the bike rack because the Natura Vive Skylodge in Peru is made up of three clear-walled capsules positioned to hang from a cliff in Peru’s Sacred Valley. Fearless travelers can spend the night dangling precariously 400 feet over the heartland of the Inca Empire, or they can recover from the 400 meter hike to the lodge and enjoy a luxury catered dinner.

Read More: Duvine, cycling + adventure co.

1 Fungrl Travels: Sleeping on the Side of a Mountain with Skylodge Adventure Suites

After trekking a portion of the Inca trail to Macchu Picchu recently, I thought my adventure in Peru couldn’t get any better. In fact, not only did my night sleeping on a mountainside parallel an epic trek up to Macchu Picchu, it might even have surpassed it! Bucket list SCORE! But there’s one catch: There are only a couple of ways to get to the Skylodge Adventure Suites, and that is by hiking or climbing in! Those with a fear of heights probably wouldn’t enjoy this, unless maybe they were drugged.

The Natura Vive Skylodge Adventure Suites, located in the small town of Urubamba, Peru, are composed of three capsules measuring 24 feet in length and 8 feet in height and width. Each unit is handcrafted from aerospace aluminum and weather resistant polycarbonate, and is complete with four beds, a dining area and as you’ll soon see, a very well designed bathroom! (I can’t imagine who gets that mountain duty-probably the newest hire).

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Passion Passport: Skylodge, Hotel Rooms That Hang off the Side of a Mountain


One of my greatest pleasures in life is putting together an itinerary for an upcoming trip. As I plan, I always look for out-of-the-box activities or hotels to add some spice to the experience. In Peru, that was the Natura Vive Skylodge in the Sacred Valley.

I was taking my 18-year old nephew, Caeden, on a surfing trip to Panama and wanted to include an additional stop at Machu Picchu. Knowing that our time – and his attention – was limited, I was determined to find something especially spectacular to impress him. As I researched the route from Cusco to Machu Picchu, I stumbled across pictures of a zip line and via ferrata – a steel cable hiking line wrapped up and around the mountainside – in the Sacred Valley. Having experienced the via ferrata at Mt Nimbus in Banff, Canada, I knew it was a unique and unforgettable way to mountain climb – one that Caedan was sure to appreciate.

I clicked around for more information but my search was unexpectedly halted; an image of three alien-looking modules dangling off the side of a cliff caught my eye. Looking a little closer, I realized that they were sleeping modules. We could actually spend the night up there at 1200 feet above the ground? I didn’t think twice about it: booked!

By Eric Barnes

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Die Skylodge Suites sind nichts für Zartbesaitete!

Wer schwache Nerven hat, sollte sich lieber zweimal überlegen, ob er sich hier hoch traut, denn die Sky lodge Suites hängen in schwindelerregender Höhe an einer steilen Felswand mitten in den pe ruanischen Anden. Schon der Weg vom Check- In zum gebuchten Zimmer ist ein Aben teu er: Nur mithilfe von in den Fels gehauenen Ei senspros sen und gespannten Draht sei len ge lingt der beschwerliche Aufstieg. In 400 Metern Hö he erwarten einen schließlich drei transparente Kapseln, die sich Vogelnestern gleich an den Fels klammern und Wind und Wet ter trotzen. Belohnt wird man mit einer giganti schen Aussicht über das „Heilige Tal“ der Incas – von einem romantischen nächt li chen Spa ziergang von der Hotelbar zur Suite sollte man allerdings absehen!
